The evolution of customer acquisition
Digitization and the advent of digital technology have brought about profound changes in purchasing behavior. In a highly competitive environment, and faced with increasingly well-informed consumers, the commercial prospection no longer meets the same challenges as in the past. Potential customers are no longer as sensitive to purely commercial incentives, nor are they as engaged by a pitch focused exclusively on product features. Traditional techniques such as phoning may still be relevant in some business sectors, but other opportunities need to be exploited to better achieve sales objectives or reach new targets.
To build a high-performance acquisition strategy, it is essential to change sales practices. Today, winning over new customers requires a different approach to sales. Gone are the days of hard-line canvassing: it's better to free yourself from overly promotional speeches, intrusive prospecting and non-value-added interactions. Initiating a value-creating acquisition strategy means supporting prospects in their pre-purchase process, providing them with high-value-added content and engaging them in a personalized, lasting relationship, until they become customers.
How do you develop an effective lead acquisition strategy?
Implementing an effective lead acquisition strategy requires a global approach involving the sales force and the marketing/communications department. The aim is to keep the brand in the prospect's mind throughout the decision-making cycle.
The development of this strategy is based on a methodology:
- Study your targets and work on your personas. Based on their expectations and behaviors, these profiles of your prospects will help you determine the key messages and tools to use.
- Take advantage of the combined expertise of your sales and marketing teams to produce high-value messages for each of your personas.
- Exploit the potential of data to analyze your prospects' behavior and campaign results with, for example, the lead scoring. Direct qualified leads to your sales force or distribute content to a segmented list of prospects.
- Engage your sales force acquisition strategy by sharing your sales philosophy and the tools you recommend for each target.
Acquisition: which techniques to use?
When it comes to acquiring leads, data now plays a central role. Information about your prospects and their habits is invaluable in determining the right message, the right channel, the right time and the right purchase trigger.
Here are some effective practices for implementing your customer acquisition strategy:
Exploit your database
To acquire new customers, your database is a gold mine. To collect this data, campaigns can be set up. However, collecting data is not enough: you need to enrich, qualify and segment this database to target your actions and deliver the right messages.
Qualify your leads
To feed your sales pipeline effectively, your leads need to be qualified and followed up. If closing is carried out by your sales force, certain multi-channel actions can be automated or outsourced. From this database, you can prospect and obtain qualified appointments.
Deploy targeted sales actions
To accompany a sales highlight or transform your prospects with a promotional action, rely on targeted actions based on your database.
Make sales on your inbound and outbound contacts
The sale of your products and services can be supported by high value-added telephone prospecting operations. Whatever your sector, even if your product or service is complex, these actions generate sales on both inbound and outbound calls.
Vivetic Group supports you in your customer acquisition process
Calling on an outsourced sales force means controlling prospecting costs and obtaining precise visibility on the profitability of actions. Drawing on its expertise in customer relations and acquisition techniques, Vivetic Group develops and implements acquisition strategies that create value for your prospects and your company.
Our feedback on numerous customer cases, and our keen eye for changes in sales and marketing practices, are assets that will help you boost your sales performance.
Discover all our solutions to help you implement an effective acquisition strategy.