Welcome to this site dedicated to the Vivetic Group brand (hereinafter the "Site").

We invite you to read carefully the present terms of use which govern navigation on this Site. By using the Site, you accept these Terms of Use without reservation.

Terms of use

Site URL: https://www.vivetic-group.com

Contact: contact@vivetic-group.com

Publisher: Vivetic, owner of the "Vivetic Group" brand, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of 150,000, headquartered at 127 rue Charles Tillon, B11, 93300 Aubervilliers, registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 411 294 903.

Designer: this site was developed by the web agency avelook, headquartered at 3 rue du colonel Moll 75017 Paris.

Personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, this Site has been included in the list of processing operations containing personal data maintained by the Correspondant Informatique et Libertés of Vivetic SAS. He keeps this list at the disposal of the C.N.I.L.

In accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned laws of January 6, 1978 and August 6, 2004, users are informed that they have the right to access and rectify any personal information concerning them.

These rights may be exercised upon written request to our company via the contact form by clicking here.

Intellectual property rights relating to the Vivetic SAS website

The general structure, as well as the texts, photos and images making up this site, are the property of its creator. Any reproduction, total or partial, of this site or of one or more of its components, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of its creator, is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The information, logos, pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, with or without sound, and other documents accessible on this website are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, as the case may be, the property of the creator or of third parties who have given the creator, or one of his subsidiaries, limited authorization to use them. As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, in whole or in part, or transfer to another site is prohibited. Copying for strictly private use of these various rights is authorized. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the creator is strictly prohibited, with the exception of reproduction for press purposes.

Copies or backups of this site may only be made for information purposes and exclusively for strictly private use.

This site respects copyright. All the rights of the authors of the protected works reproduced and communicated on this site are reserved. Unless authorized, any use of the works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is prohibited.

The Vivetic trademarks appearing on the site are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks without the prior written authorization of Vivetic is prohibited.

Vivetic cannot be held responsible for external hypertext links set up within the framework of the present site, nor for the content of third-party sites to which they point. The decision to activate hypertext links is the sole responsibility of Internet users.

Users of this site are required to comply with the law and, in particular, with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés), violation of which is punishable by law.

In addition, they must refrain from collecting, capturing, distorting or using the information to which they have access and, in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.