What are good moderation practices on social networks?

The role of the Community Manager is to moderate comments on social networks. Some messages are deliberately ignored by brands, while others are deleted and responded to. But on what criteria?

A charter for handling responses is necessary to enable the Community Manager to respond as effectively as possible to Internet users' requests. To avoid brand disparagement, it's important to establish a few rules of good conduct on social networks.

Discover the best practices to put in place to control your e-reputation.

The question that often arises is how to deal with users' comments? Which comments should be deleted? Which comments require a personalized response? These questions are essential when dealing with a large number of web comments.

The Community Manager is responsible for reading and "processing" the comment (i.e. masking or removing it). The end of the day is generally the best time to deal with posted comments.

You must avoid at all costs letting the debate between Internet users degenerate, at the risk of reading unsympathetic comments about your brand. For the Community Manager, openly criticizing a brand on the Internet does not mean that the comments must be withdrawn, unless they are vulgar, unargued or aggressive. It is imperative that the brand communicate clear and precise instructions as to how the Community Manager is to tolerate or remove the comments posted. One thing is certain: Internet users are becoming increasingly impatient for a response.

Are you familiar with the expression "talking to a wall"? This expression is very often used on the Facebook wall, particularly to describe a brand that doesn't respond to questions or leaves insulting comments without reacting. There's only one watchword: Be responsive on social networks. It's up to the company to set up a reactivity rule to be applied by the community manager. Sometimes, it's useful to explain publicly why a message has been withdrawn. But it turns out that most of the time, Internet users are acting in good faith, so they understand that some are overstepping the mark. Above all, you need to remain vigilant about your company's reputation, and the Community Manager is in charge of this on social networks.

At Vivetic, we provide our customers with moderators who deal with the requests, queries, solicitations and objections...... of Internet users on a daily basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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