Interview with Andrea Rakotobe, Business Operations Manager

Head for the Data division to meet our Business Operations Director, Andrea Rakotobe.

Focus on Andréa Rakotobe, our Operational Director for the Data business unit. In this interview, she shares with us her career at Vitetic Group and explains her day-to-day role.

Who are you?

Hello, I'm Andréa Rakotobe.

I joined Vivetic Group in Madagascar as a Document Preparer in 1998. I then held the position of Production Manager. Today, I'm in charge of the Operational Activities Department (DOA) of the Data division, which includes: dematerialization and data structuring, content management and moderation, and DTP processing.

What does your role as Business Operations Manager entail?

My role involves 3 essential areas: project management for the various Data activities, managing the needs and expectations of our customers (principals), and coordinating all the teams that make up the Data division.

A stimulating daily routine?

On a day-to-day basis, I deal with a wide variety of issues, because my role is cross-functional. In the same day, I can attend steering/production committees with customers and then go out on the shop floor to help my operational teams solve production problems.

Indispensable qualities?

Being a good DOA requires several qualities. Firstly, a strong capacity for anticipation to respond to the problems encountered on a daily basis, a good sense of organization to manage projects and, finally, temperance and pedagogy to oversee all the 770 employees under my responsibility.

Your proudest achievement?

My greatest pride is to have been able to support all our customers right from the start of the health crisis in March 2020, here in Madagascar. All our teams demonstrated a very strong capacity to adapt, with the introduction of on-site sanitary measures and the rapid deployment of teleworking.

Vivetic Group is a dynamic company with stimulating projects, and in this context, operational excellence is fundamental. I'm very proud to be part of it in my role as Business Operations Director.

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