Vivetic, partner of the Think Equal educational program

Vivetic is proud to be a partner of the Zazakely Sambatra association and to participate in the deployment of its new educational program Think Equal!

We are proud to announce our partnership with the Zazakely Sambatra association's new early childhood education program: Think Equal. Educating children and contributing to the development of the youngest are missions that are close to our hearts. In an interview with Zazakely Sambatra, our CEO, Noëlle Costa, shares her enthusiasm and commitment to this major project:

The development of innovative educational programs dedicated to early childhood at Madagascar, a key challenge.

We're delighted to be supporting the Zazakely Sambatra association (our long-standing partner) at a key moment in its development, as it rolls out its new early childhood education program: Think Equal in Madagascar!
We felt this program was essential, given the numerous international studies (UNICEF, UNESCO, Global Partnership for Education) that support the worldwide consensus that pre-primary education plays a vital role in children's acquisition of cognitive and socio-emotional skills.

As a company committed to Madagascar, where we've been operating for nearly thirty years, we're convinced that investing alongside Zazakely Sambatra in innovative educational support for early childhood will contribute to the emergence of a new generation of agents of change, responsible citizens and qualified managers.
Because we are resolutely committed to the search for beneficial social impacts, we fully support the association's national outreach strategy, initiated in 2019, and are convinced of the success of this program in the coming years.

Noëlle Costa
CEO Vivetic Group

Zazakely Sambatra: an association at the heart of change

Zazakely Sambatra is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of children in Madagascar, and has been working for many years. Think Equal is the world's first holistic socio-emotional learning program (25 countries and over 240,000 beneficiary children), adapted to early childhood (3 to 6 years). The aim is to enable children to develop their socio-emotional learning from an early age, thus contributing to a new, enlightened generation.

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