What's new in customer relations in 2018

In the past, phone calls and SMS were the most popular. Today, Messenger and WhatApp come out on top. Habits and codes are increasingly changing in the private sphere.

To get the year off to a good start, what's new in customer relations in 2018!

Instant messaging and customer relations

In the past, phone calls and SMS messages were the most popular. But nowadays.., Messenger and WhatApp come out on top. Habits and codes are increasingly changing in the private sphere. As a result, companies need to remain active on these media to meet the ever-growing demand. Many companies have integrated customer relationship strategy and offer consumers the opportunity to contact them directly via messaging channels. To keep up, brands will have to adapt.

Multi-channel chatbots

First of all, what is a chatbot?
A chatbot is a serviceconfigured with rules and sometimes artificial intelligence, with which you can interact via a chat interface."
Multi-channel chatbots (chat, messaging, app...) have become an essential part of a company's customer relations strategy. Companies are already using chatbots, but have quickly become aware of their limitations. That's why they're now turning to the multi-channel chatbot, which offers multiple possibilities and saves a considerable amount of time.

CRM integration and digital customer interaction platforms

CRM integration and digital customer interaction platforms provide all the information you need to know everything about your customer (customer relationship history, past transactions, etc. ....). The customer interaction platform holds all conversational and virtual identity data. This platform provides a better understanding of customer needs and expectations.

Messaging and GAFA

Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon are known as the GAFAs. All these companies have one thing in common: they see messaging as the future of customer relations. Today we know WhatApp, tomorrow Facebook will offer WhatApp for Business. Google is launching a beta messaging offering in Google my Business that will enable customers to chat directly with businesses through their local page. Amazon plans to launch Anytime, and Apple will soon develop IMessage for Business in 2018.

Messenger Customer Chat

Facebook has launched Messenger Customer Chat, offering customers a live chat experience. This system enables sales to be made more quickly, with a live response to the customer, more often resulting in a purchase.

The contact center

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